Saturday, December 8, 2007



Hermana, known as one of the young theatre actors in Bandung. Hi graduated from Theatre Departement at STSI ( Indonesia College of Art ) Bandung, with his major in Directing. He Create several erformances, with another young theatre actors. Hi olso involve in script writing.
Hermana work in both field: trodisional and modern genres of theatre. Oftenly he tend to use tradisional music and vocalization as source and artistical medium for his theatre performance. Recently he olso attracted by multimedia and try to combine and expresing it to visualize the the ssychological problem.
In his creation, Hermana mostly dealing with social theme. From this side he focusing to comment and give criticism about human condition in urban society. He try to potray their destruction and leneliness, bat olso find an bridge how to provoke among the spectators to develop the issue. He try to stimulate and to develop the theme through audience participation, and invite theme to open free discusiun abaut the problem. It is a kind of technic how to enrich the oin of view.
As on actor, Hermana use gestical expression taken from tradisonal vocabularies. But his passion and pawer to persuade is typical modern. To intensify his performance, he olso documentetary pieces and the spirit of nasionalism as final conclusion.
Hermena heve no internasional exprerience yet. So, if he able to reach thet opportunity, I thing he will learn more and use it as brigde to his wider network.

Written by: Benjon – actor, dorector, theatre critic, playwright.